Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration is a safe and sacred place for those seeking spiritual renewal and transformation.  Through the sharing of life journeys, practices of prayer and meditation, and exploration of spiritual writings and resources, you are invited to deepen your relationship with God, self and others, and to discern your true identity and purpose.  Deep Waters welcomes folks who have found a home in a traditional church and are seeking more, and those who have struggled with organized religion and are seeking an alternative.  All seekers are welcome!

Winter/Spring 2024 Offerings

FLOW - Spiritual Rhythms for Soulful Living - Ongoing

Wellsprings Contemplative Prayer Circle - First and Third Tuesdays at 7 pm, via Zoom

Sacred Pause Retreats - January 7, 2024, March 10 2024

Lenten Whole40 Experiment - Lent 2024

Women’s Spirituality Group - Aging as Spiritual Practice: Embracing Our Later Years and Role of Spiritual Elder - FULL

Love Actually: Reflecting on Our Relationships - April-June, 2024




Though the spiritual journey is personal, we need not go it alone.  Sometimes you want a trusted companion, who meets you where you are and helps you find your way.   A spiritual director has the sacred privilege of listening to your life with you to help you discern where God is and how you can open more fully to God’s love and grace.

About Spiritual Direction›


Sometimes, we like to explore in community.  At their best, small groups become places of trust, where folks can be known in their full humanness, where they can share their stories and struggles, where the soul is safe to show up.  Celebrating the diversity of ways through which God comes to us and moves through us, we learn more about ourselves and others through the relationships forged in community.

Current Small Groups>

Spiritual Practice

While we are loved beyond measure by a trustworthy and faithful God, we are forgetful and fickle.  We need help remembering Whose we are.  We need practice to stay open, attentive and faithful to God’s love and movement in our lives.  We need to move beyond thinking and talking about God to actually experiencing God. We need rhythm to stay in the flow of grace.

Spiritual Rhythms for Soulful Living